Wednesday 10 July 2013

Penang World Heritage Day 2013

Assalamualikum and Hi!

So last Saturday and Sunday there is a day called Penang World Heritage Day or Hari Warisan. Every year Penang  will do this type of event or we can called it celebration. If you don't know about this event, imma tell you some basics thing about this event. In Malaysia, as I know, Penang and Melaka is under the UNESCO World Heritage. If any state or country wants to be in their (UNESCO) list, you must have an old building/place/city that is or conservatives site cultural or natural importance to the comment heritage of humanity. 

Cey..., sembang macam terer buat-buat tau, padahal cari kat Wikipedia. So itulah menatang yang dipanggil Penang World Heritage Day. It was held at Lebuh Aceh, ala..dekat dengan area Padang Kota Lama. Google map please.

Oh ya and today is 1st oh sorry now it's 1 a.m so it's 2nd day of Ramadhan, so I wish you a bless Ramadhan ahead. Got to sleep early for sahur tomorrow. See you soon inshallah and thank you for reading though. :)

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