Friday 23 August 2013

Raya Eidul Fitr 2013


Sorry la lambat update sebab first, masa time raya you know la how busy we are kan. Second immediately after the 4th day of raya, mata sakit and badan pon macam separa demam. Banyak orang sakit this year raya don't know why. Is it because someone release biological warfare??? I think my mata sakit is because edit picture banyak sangat kot and not enough sleep during raya. So this is a compilation of my favorite photos of mine that I took during raya. Tak lambat lagi kan, masih Syawal kan? Hehehe...

Gambar di atas is in my uncle's house, and picture below is at Kampung Syed second day open house.
Thank you Idus for taking taking this photo. Me third from right.

After I took this photograph (above), suddenly poof, blackout tempat tu. You can see below tempat tu belah kiri dah jadi gelap. For the first time open house blackout I guess.

Me second from left. 
Thank you all for reading.

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